surgical strik; uri attack in 28 September 2016

The 2016 Uri attack was a significant event that led to India conducting surgical strikes against terrorist launch pads across the Line of Control (LoC) in Pakistan-administered Kashmir. Here’s an overview of the Uri attack and the subsequent surgical strikes:On September 18, 2016, four heavily armed militants attacked an Indian Army brigade headquarters in Uri, a town in Jammu and Kashmir, near the Line of Control. The attack resulted in the deaths of 19 Indian soldiers, making it one of the deadliest attacks on the Indian Army in the region.In response to this attack, India conducted surgical strikes on the intervening night of September 28-29, targeting terrorist launch pads in Pakistan-administered Kashmir. The strikes were carried out by Indian Special Forces and were aimed at neutralizing the terrorists and their infrastructure.The surgical strikes were seen as a strong response to the Uri attack and were intended to send a clear message to Pakistan about India’s determination to combat cross-border terrorism. The Indian government claimed that the strikes were successful and that significant casualties were inflicted on the terrorists and their supporters.Pakistan, on the other hand, denied that the surgical strikes took place, describing them as a “fabrication” and “propaganda” by India.

The Uri attack and the subsequent surgical strikes escalated tensions between India and Pakistan, leading to heightened military readiness and diplomatic tensions between the two countries.Overall, the Uri attack and the surgical strikes that followed underscored the ongoing challenges and complexities in the India-Pakistan relationship, particularly concerning cross-border terrorism and security issues in the region.

How surgical strik are carried out:

In September 2016, terrorists of Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed entered the Army camp in Uri near the Line of Control and killed 20 soldiers in the attack.

In retaliation, the Indian Army troops including the commandos from various units of the Para (Special Forces) units deployed in Jammu and Kashmir carried out raids across the border on multiple targets.

All these targets were launch pads for terrorists for infiltrating into Jammu and Kashmir for carrying out attacks against military and civilian targets.

PM Modi said that while talking to the Army, he realised that they wanted justice for their martyred soldiers and the government gave them the “free hand” to plan and execute the surgical strikes.

The surgical strike was hailed by the people of the country as well as the armed forces, with defence minister Rajnath Singh saying that it gave a clear message to the world that “we can kill terrorists on this side as well as by crossing the border if the need arises”.

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